Dried Up Creek Beds Across the Area Have Started Flowing Again

The Kern River moves from the Sierra Nevada, a flowing oasis for flora and beast, coursing to the northeast side of Bakersfield, California. Then information technology pools, drying out and turning into miles of sand.

The river once flowed through the city of about 384,000, providing habitat for wildlife and recreational activities for residents, but the h2o was diverted decades ago to irrigate area farmlands. At present, a vocal group of residents is hoping the river will return to its former glory as the state decides whether to reallocate some water left unused 14 years ago.

An appeals court ruled in 2007 that the Kern Delta Water Commune had to forfeit h2o rights because information technology allowed supplies to get unused, but the decision on where the h2o should exist allocated was left upwardly to the state h2o lath.

Image: Protesters on a river march to restore Kern River.
Protesters on a river march to restore Kern River. Juan Vargas

The state held a hearing Thursday and Fri to determine whether the water should be reallocated. If it decides in the affirmative, information technology would adjacent determine who to reallocate it to.

The urban center of Bakersfield says it's entitled to the water and wants to put information technology back into the Kern River. A determination on the first question probably won't be fabricated until next twelvemonth, lawyers said.

At a fourth dimension of severe drought in California and the Westward, the community group Bring Dorsum the Kern and other activists seized on the state of affairs as an opportunity to restore the river.

"Water brings a lot of life, non just plant life, but also fauna life, and without a running river, vegetation can't exist sustained," said Lia Mendez, an environmental studies graduate student and member of Bring Dorsum the Kern. "Everywhere in California, Bakersfield is the metropolis that people like to make fun of. People call it 'the armpit' of the state."

Adam Keats, an environmental lawyer who represents activist groups in California, said restoring the Kern is an ecology justice consequence. About 17 percent of Bakersfield's population lives in poverty compared to about 12 percent statewide. More than half the population is Latino and 7.6 per centum is Black.

Image: Protesters on a river march to restore Kern River.
Protesters on a river march to restore Kern River. Juan Vargas

"At that place are a whole lot of communities that are depression-income, people of color that are particularly in need of nature and recreation areas," he said. "They're particularly deprived in that surface area, and because of a dry riverbed, they're also subjected to air quality bug that are exacerbated by dust and the dry riverbed. Having flowing water and trees ways better air quality."

Mendez, who grew upwards in Bakersfield, said higher-income residents drive to other places for fresh air, but lower-income people don't accept the time or money to do that.

H2o shortages and drought make the issue of h2o distribution even more complex than it already is, said Andre Daccache, an banana professor in the biological and agronomical engineering section at the University of California, Davis. He pointed out that California is home to 76,600 farms, and the State Water Project supplies water to about 750,000 acres of farmland.

"There's no hole-and-corner recipe for that," Daccache said. "You need agronomics. You need h2o for it."

Keats and Bakersfield City Attorney Colin Pearce said replenishing the Kern River would not necessarily have h2o abroad from agriculture.

Image: The drying Kern River in Bakersfield, Calif., on  April 6, 2021.
The drying Kern River in Bakersfield, Calif., on Apr 6, 2021. Kyle Grillot / Bloomberg via Getty Images

"Nosotros're not saying we're going to take the water, we want to share the h2o," Pearce said. "Nosotros desire everyone to benefit from the h2o, not just some private landowners who happen to command some larger agricultural districts."

As Mendez waits for the country to make a decision, she dreams of Bakersfield having a rushing river, a respite for her neighbors and loved ones. Despite growing up in a city with a dry riverbed that was oft total of trash, surrounded by dusty air, she loves her hometown and knows it could be then much more.

"People today who are in their 70s remember having the Kern River as a place to become and ride their horses underneath the cottonwoods and through the sycamores, go downwards and bring home a stack full of crawdads," Mendez said. "I was kind of robbed of a childhood with a river and something that was enjoyed by people who grew up in Bakersfield but a generation earlier me."


Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/drought-deepens-city-looks-restore-dry-riverbed-flowing-river-n1285770

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