Mammon Agrees With Belial and Wants All Out War With Heaven Again.

kwistarplus asked:

There is one affair I am confuse about Mammon. In 1 of the earliest cards of his is chosen "the fallen warrior" compare the other brother's cards that are very obvious to them. There is almost second to zip that is hinted to Mammon being a warrior back in Season one I am turning to you hoping you could figure out what it ways past now.

Ooh, yeah, let's dig in 😁

Mammon: The Fallen Warrior

Then, if nosotros look at the regular Chapter A SR cards, each demon has 2 carte titles, with seven variations of each one to represent every sin.

Lucifer: The Student Quango, Home Sweet Home

Mammon: The School for Demons, The Fallen Warrior

Levi: The Infamous Hallway, The Castle of the Otaku

Satan: The Garden of Expose, The Source of Wisdom

Asmo: The Living Room, The Bathroom of Want

Beel: Gluttony Rehab, The Twins of Light and Darkness

Belphie: The Undercover of the Attic, The Garden of Silence

I was going to say that each demon has one SR set where the location behind them on the cards is RAD and the other the House of Lamentation, only looking at them properly, it seems like that's merely true of the four oldest brothers - Asmo and Belphie have both sets in the HoL, while Beel has i at HoL and the other in town.

Nonetheless, information technology does seem pretty clear that the majority of these cards offer some insight into what is important to each demon.

Lucifer, as we know, takes his responsibilities on the Student Quango very seriously, and more than anyone works to go on his family together under one roof - their home.

Mammon is constantly needing to study more. Levi would certainly like to recall of his room as his own personal castle. Satan values cognition. Asmo lives in his bath. Beel thinks a great bargain of his twin, and of eating. And Belphie was the underground in the attic, where he was silenced at the top of the stairs.

So there are the more obscure cards. Asmo perhaps is a fan of the living room? Satan perhaps feels betrayed by his father. Levi and the hallway… I'm not so sure. My brain is suggesting Hobbes and Hellraiser but it feels a tad weak. It could exist his many games that involve opening doors to the incorrect places.


And then Mammon is the fallen warrior, which for me is the most interesting.


We know that Mammon is the 2nd near powerful demon lord, but he is also the one demon we haven't seen apply his powers at total strength.

Lucifer loses command a hell of a lot. Levi loses his cool and summons Lotan. Satan is enraged, while Asmo charms Henry i.0 and throws tantrums, Beel destroys the kitchen and brings downward a whole wall, and Belphie kills MC.

Simply Mammon, the swiftest brother, outpowered only by Match… Nope.

Not only exercise nosotros know he is the 2nd most powerful, only he was besides the second to arrive in the Devildom - unsurprising given he is the swiftest. He must have plumetted straight after Match and Lilith, meaning there was zero hesitation to follow his brother into the depths of hell.

And equally I've pointed out, it is Mammon who assures his brother that none of them regret following him , who ensures all his brothers are okay and keeps tabs on their emotional states, and who is the only person Lucifer listens to when put in his identify.

Mammon clearly holds enormous ability, which equally I've argued, is demonstrated even past his ability to not employ it .

As angels, Mammon disobeyed Michael and was taken instead under Lucifer'due south wings. His loyalty to his elderberry brother is absolute, and it is probable given his relative power that he too was either a seraph or right below them.

I call up that the Celestial Realm does not follow traditional angelology - primarily because traditional angels are admittedly horrifying to wait at! But also because we know Friction match wore battle armour, which is non the attire of the traditional seraph (indeed, it is the attire of a lower affections class, the powers).

Where the other fallen angels resided in the Angelic hierarchy is unknown, but it's very likely Mammon was next closest in rank. He was afterwards all taught by the warrior Archangel himself.

A "fallen warrior" usually refers to one who has died in battle, but being a fallen angel gives information technology a new twist. Mammon is a warrior who has fallen from heaven, and now resides in hell. But equally a demon, he is besides no longer a warrior.

Although… that wasn't initially true. The demons take told stories of battles fought in their early Devildom days. Peace reigns in the kingdom at present, but it peradventure didn't e'er.

Withal, Mammon has non been seen as a warrior in the recent past or present, instead moving firmly into the territory of guardian demon - a bodyguard and protector.

We may not know much of Mammon the affections, only let's crack open the demonology and encounter what nosotros've got…


Earlier I open up upwardly my grimoires though, we're gonna have to move up a level in demon theory. The 201 to the previous demon 101s.

Demons and gods take many names in many cultures. A lot of the near notable demons nosotros know the names of today, started of as demons or gods of other cultures, borrowed, blended, stolen, and usurped.

Belphegor and Beelzebub are but two examples of demons who have origins that trace back to old gods (Ba'al Pə'ôr and Ba'al Zəbûl), literally demonised into demons.

If you've read some of my previous theories, I've spoken about the influence of the god Pan on how the devil/Satan was and nonetheless is perceived, how the Greek Tartarus is linked to the christian hell, how the Great Flood myth predates christianity by centuries, every bit does the serpent in the garden, the resurrection of a mortal god, etc etc.

Every civilization has a habit of telling the aforementioned stories but in different words, with different names. This is why my theories are written from a demonology perspective, not from a religious perspective. Demons and gods are older than current religions.

Even the devil himself has been known as Lucifer, Satan, Beelzebub, Mephistopheles, Samael, Iblis, in simply the post 500BC religions alone.

If you lot've done any digging into demonology yourself, you'll know that two of the demons amidst the brothers don't quite fit. They follow Binsfeld'due south classification of demons (1589), which is based on a 1409 list that is slightly different, merely the names of Leviathan and Mammon don't quite gel with the others.

These are not famous demon names. The ancient Leviathan is not an affections or demon, but a subversive creature, based on the older Lotan (from a language that went extinct in 12th century BC) who himself is from Têmtum (18th century BC).

Then, he wasn't always a demon, but he is a hella HELLA old monster homo, which is a) close enough, and b) pretty darn cool.

Merely also a cracking case of a demon who has been known by different names to at least three unlike cultures throughout history.


Mammon, is a word that scholars are withal debating the exact origins on but it'due south certainly one that came to prominence around biblical times, from Aramaic and possibly transliterated from Mishnaic Hebrew.

The common wisdom is that Mammon meant money/greed and was only known every bit a demon in belatedly medieval times, only there are records of folks preaching confronting Mammon the demon back in the fourth century.

Like his brothers however, Mammon is far older than he appears - he just didn't e'er accept that exact proper noun.


Demonology 201 - not all demons are private demons, including those who are. Demons testify different faces to unlike people, and 1 who calls himself Zazel, Maymon Abba Nuch, Amun(-Ra), Azazel, Maymūn, or Amaimon, may very well exist Mammon. (Many of these are linked to the sun, warrior status, loyalty, prosperity, blackness feathers, etc.)

Most of these have since disappeared, fallen from use, as cultures changed, eroded and evolved.

Potentially, many older and forgotten names also exist. Equally, each of these may be aspects of a whole, or both together and separate. Demons be funny similar that.

Again, this is a demonology perspective, not a religious 1, which ways alien sources are not but expected but positively desired 👀


(pictured: Book of Invocations of the Demons, ~1600, Maymon-Ra)

My ol' pal Dante handily provides 1 such alternate form in his Inferno - in the 4th circle of hell, where the sinners of avarice and greed may be found, stands the mighty wolf: Plutus.

(In fact, Dante calls him Pluto yet describes him equally Plutus - the 2 gods are quite distinct.)

Plutus is the Greek god of wealth, and determines who is worthy of his gifts, thus initiating chaos amidst humans. The links here to Mammon are articulate - Plutus was demoted to demon-status, as nearly old gods were, and has the same blessing to requite as Mammon does. The shift is simply on the perception of wealth as godly vs demonic - the result is anarchy on both sides!

The symbolic beast of Mammon traditionally is the wolf (hence the proper name of my fic, Wolf At Your Door !). Wolves are associated with greed and cunning, only also with loyalty and protectiveness. Every bit Tabby says in my fic, the god Odin is known for having 2 ravens who acted equally his eyes and ears far and wide, and ii wolves, Geri and Freki, both named for "the greedy 1".

Who else happens to exist able to speak to corvids and have them gather information for him across the state? 🤔


Mammon makes an appearance under his own proper name in Milton'due south Paradise Lost, equally a phonation of reason. Fallen from heaven, the demons argue what their adjacent action should exist. Ane argues firsthand attack upon heaven, the second (Belial) takes the politician tactic of denouncing the get-go proposed action, describing their certain failure and torture but advancing no alternate proffer of his own.

The third speaker is Mammon, agrees largely with Belial in that defeat was near sure but gives his own unique stance - that at that place is nowhere other than hell that the demons can hope to detect happiness. After all, the demons practice not want forgiveness, nor do they want to bow heads to god, and attacking heaven would only extend the catamenia of hopeless melancholy and woe.

Incidentally, peradventure Dante was deliberately conflating the two gods when he calls Plutus Pluto, for the latter is the ruler of the underworld, as well known as Hades. The two gods are often conflated, but it does draw attention to the fact that a god of wealth is at present in hell itself.

Instead, he says, the demons should focus on edifice in hell, to create a domicile that might i day rival heaven in beauty, and that the demons will observe happiness and hope in their ain labour. Better to choose their own work, than bow in "servile pomp".

Alas, the next speaker is Beelzebub, who rouses the demons into a clamour of excitement with his war propaganda, and tactic of not attacking sky head on, but through the corruption of humankind. This isn't his ain thought still - it was whispered in his ear by Satan (Lucifer). The caput demon allowed a costless debate in which he himself had final say, through trickery of course.


Still, it'southward a key insight into the character of Mammon who gives the most philosophically and ethically audio solution. Non from cowardice of fighting, but from a businesslike appreciation of freedom and opportunity. He has done his fighting, for what fiddling skilful it did, and he is content to be fallen.


This is very much the Mammon we know from OM, who seems to take cypher regrets over his fall, or his loyalty to Friction match, and who pursues a life of doing what he wants rather than following lesser orders.

He has great ability in reserve, and unmatched command, but he holds no grudges, instead focusing on the happiness and wellbeing of his own family.

Remember, all the brothers are by definition warriors - all united under Friction match to try and fight against the entire Celestial Realm.

Mammon hopes he is never called to war again. But residuum assured that if he is, he will be second only to Lucifer in power unleashed 😱


Further reading:

The Theory of Mammon

In Defense of Match

Obey Me: The Theory of Demon Symbols

Obey Me: The Theory of Arcadia

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